
Healthy Ways to Stay motivated for 2024

2024 is here, and it is time for you to get out of life what you deserve. There are many ways to stay motivated to achieve your goals. Health plays a pivotal role in motivation and is a driving force in all areas of life. Here are some healthy ways to stay motivated for 2024!

Practice Positivity and Gratitude

1). Psychologists have indicated that expressing gratitude regularly can improve your quality of sleep and reduce feelings and anxiety and depression.

2). Using positive language correlates to better moods and less fatigue and inflammation.

Create a routine

1). Create daily tasks that focus on your health and that are repeatable. Brushing your teeth, showering, shaving, or getting ready for the following day of work are good daily practices that can be a part of your routine.

2). Take 10 minutes to meditate and take time for yourself.


1). Try to get enough sleep daily. The CDC recommends 7-8 hours for adults 65+.

2). Spend 30 minutes a day doing moderate physical activity. Take a walk to your local park or go on a short hike.

3). Develop a fitness routine for your needs.

4). Create a balanced diet and a meal plan https://www.eatthismuch.com/ (check out this link for personalized meal guides).

Set S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely) Goals

1). Write your goals down and repeat affirmations in the mirror on how you will achieve them.

2). Track your goals and figure out which ones worked and how you want to pivot to new goals.

3). Create a 'specific' plan on how you will achieve each goal.

Create a Vision Board

1). Collect your favorite quotes, magazines, media, and other things that motivate you.

2). Put your vision board somewhere you can see daily.

3). Help order our thoughts and ways in which we need to achieve goals.

Stay Inspired

1). Find inspiration from books, podcasts, documentaries or speakers. Consume positive and motivational media regularly.

2). Manifest and visualize daily your goals and how you will achieve them in the future.

Staying motivated in the new year involves commitment, patience, and self-reflection. By incorporating these healthy tips into your routine, you can maintain your motivation and move closer to achieving your aspirations throughout the year.